I find myself nowadays watching lifestyle videos, like morning and nighttime routine on YouTube. It is always nice to know new routines and I personally love to try new things out. You never know what can work with you until you try them right? So this gave me an idea to share some health and beauty practices I’ve been doing that you should definitely try.

1. Dry Brushing

Dry Scrubbing benefits

I wrote about dry brushing benefits before here and ever since then I always make it a point to do this in the morning. Dry brushing always leaves me feeling energized and my skin soft and smooth. I swear you’d feel the effects and benefits instantly.

This brush was bought in Watsons.

2. Oil Pulling (Coconut Oil)

oil pulling review

Coconut oil has been a household staple. When my mom was still alive, she used to use it on her hair, body, and face. I was young then so I never really understood its purpose, I’ve always thought my mom had the perfect skin and smooth hair regardless of what she uses.

Turns out coconut oil contributed a lot to it. But aside from using it on your hair, body, and face you can also swish it around your mouth to detox. This isn’t new, in fact, it is one of those ancient ayurvedic practices dating back more than 3,000 years.

Why Oil Pulling (Gandusha)?

Lymph nodes located along the jaw, near the ears, and in the neck are responsible for filtering bacteria and toxins from the face, nasal cavity, and pharynx. By oil pulling you draw out impurities since high levels of bacteria can accumulate in the mouth overnight, so swish one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil around in your mouth for 10 minutes in the a.m. before brushing your teeth; spit into a toilet because it can clog the sink.

Cosmetic dentist Brian Kantor, D.D.S., says “We believe that swishing breaks down bacteria and draws toxins out of the salivary glands, trapping them in the oil.” Which means that, when you oil-pull, it can make it harder for bacteria and plaque to form. The result can be a brighter, whiter smile.

Kantor who is a partner in Lowenberg, Lituchy and Kantor in New York City, added “An inflammatory response in the mouth like gum disease could lead to having inflammatory responses such as heart disease or diabetes. A healthy mouth can be a pathway to a healthy body.”

This coconut oil was bought in Watsons.

3. Detox Body Scrub

5 Health and Beauty Practices You Should Definitely Try

Aside from dry brushing, I always make it a point to exfoliate. Exfoliating gets rid skin cells, increases circulation throughout the body, and leaves skin better equipped to absorb moisturizers or coconut oil.

I’ve been using Aster Detox Scrub and I am in love with it! I take it everywhere I go, even in Cuba! Yes, this photo was taken in one of our casa particulares.

Aster Detox Scrub is made out of organic coffee beans and it’s paraben free and vegan friendly. It can reduce appearance of cellulites, eczema, stretchmarks, age spots, dark spots, varicose veins, psoriasis, and acne.

You can purchase Aster Detox Scrub here.

4. Face Mask

5 Health and Beauty Practices You Should Definitely Try

Once a week, I pamper myself by having an extra on my skincare routine: face mask. I’m using The Little Alchemist – Cacao & Banana Face Glow and this incredible dry mask is made of Cacao & Banana, a special blend of super fruits & raw cacao that delivers powerful anti aging nourishment & antioxidant rich hydration to improve skin’s luminosity, radiance & vitality.

More benefits:

  • Revitalising the skin to reveal a smoother, softer glowing complexion.
  • Deeply cleansing zeolites & Clays help to exfoliate & remove toxins to create softer, smoother skin.
  • Filled with antioxidants, Raw organic Cacao provides the ultimate weekly dose of skin nutrition.
  • With a special Super Fruit Blend providing vital nutrients & vitamins to keep skin radiant & healthy.


  • Raw Cacao: High in antioxidants, vitamins & minerals. Nourishing & hydrating. Helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines
  • Banana: Nourishing, softening & soothing. High in B vitamins & potassium
  • Acai Berry: High in antioxidants. Free radical scavenger. Fights the signs of aging
  • Green Papaya: non abrasive exfoliation, high in vitamins, smoothing & skin renewing
  • Zeolite:  Powerful deep cleanser that draws toxins & impurities from the skin. High in minerals
  • Turmeric Root: Skin brightner, cleanser. Soothes & helps to reduce inflammation

You can purchase The Little Alchemist – Cacao & Banana Face Glow here.

5. Detox Drink

Coffee not coffee review

Of course, you also need to take care of your body from the inside. I do this by drinking an organic coffee combined with various superfood and herbal ingredients, called Coffee not Coffee. I like to use my thermos flask made by Fressko as it holds the heat for up to four hours.

Basically, Coffee not Coffee has less caffeine than a regular coffee, but still packed with extra energy derived from the natural added nutrients. Read the ingredients below to know how Coffee not Coffee works as a detox drink.


  • Organic Cacao Powder: Very high antioxidant count – approximately 40 times higher than blueberries, highest plant based source of iron, high source of magnesium for a healthy heart and brain, contains ‘happy’ chemicals (serotonin, dopamine, anandamide and phenylethylamine) – a natural mood enhancer, the cacao bean contains oleic acid, which has been linked to lower cholesterol
  • Cinnamon: contains large amounts of antioxidant, the antioxidants in cinnamon have anti-inflammatory effects
  • Goji Berry: loaded with beta-carotene which helps promote healthy skin, boosts the immune system, very high antioxidant count
  • Green Tea: increases fat burning, increases physical performance, contains a high proportion of antioxidants, improves mental alertness and cognitive ability
  • Mangosteen: has a high antioxidant count, contains anti-inflammatory compounds, rich source of Vitamin C

You can purchase Coffee not Coffee here.

There you have it, the 5 Health and Beauty Practices You Should Definitely Try. Which one do you think would work best for you?