Hi guys, I genuinely do not know how to start this post but I feel like I need to get this over with. This is my most honest post ever. For the past 2 years, I allowed myself to be sucked into a relationship where I was cheated on multiple times. It was the most stressful time of my life to the point that I was lying to myself and basically to everyone else that I was happy. I have so many regrets and I know I’m the only one to blame. I should have walked away but I was so stupid. I held on to the very little moments that I thought I was happy. I was played so good that I lost myself in the process.
But this post is not about the mentally and emotionally abusive relationship I had. I mean I could go on about that since I have receipts and all that but I don’t need another negativity and toxicity in my life. I just really want to be transparent to you guys now.
I really wish I could just erase that part of my life but that’s not how it goes. What I can do though is to remove every digital memory I have with that person. I started with my Instagram already and it does make me feel better.
2017 was such a tough year for me. From one wrong decision to another, it just felt that since I was with the wrong person, I was just inviting all these mistakes into my life. I’m slowly rebuilding myself, repairing what has been broken. Definitely not going to be easy but now I have learned to surround myself with people who genuinely care about me.
I’m also putting myself first. I’m nowhere near perfect but I acknowledge the fact that there’s room for self-improvement (and I’m a work in progress).
I am very thankful for people who have stayed with me and accepted me for who I am. No words can express how grateful I am.
2018, I am scared shitless as to what you have in store for me. But Elite Daily article gave me a clue: Scorpio, Consider What’s Really Worth Your Time In 2018
The coming year is simply asking you to consider how you spend your time and precious energy… Go where it’s warm, and take notice of what ruins that positive energy for you. Embrace the good and reject the bad, in all facets of life.
I’m walking into this year, smarter and more confident that I won’t make the same mistakes. I just cannot afford to waste my life anymore. And if this happened to you as well, don’t blame yourself. Everything happens for a reason ❤
Hi Chel! You are an amazing woman. It’s good to know you’re not settling with what you don’t deserve. Go get it, girl!
I learned the hard way, trust me. Happy new year, Hazel ❤