Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabino is the scientific name for THC, the component found in Hemp Plants and extracted for use in multiple industries and products throughout the world from fabrics, shoes, creams to shampoos, soaps and even tinctures and oils for internal use. Although most of the medical Hemp has been altered in recent years, the original one has far more potent benefits but is rarely found in the pharmaceutical industries unless you go for the gold-standard ones which abide by ethical extraction processes.

One of the many things it has also seen significant popularity in is the pet industry. Yes, you read that right. THC and all the various components of the Marijuana plant have already begun to take over the world from years ago, but have only seen some positive results in the recent decades that place its importance even further within both human and animal studies.
With the advent of ethical clinical trials and multiple studies were done on voluntary participants including both humans and animals, the consensus is that it has some magnificent benefits to both because we have similar ECS systems i.e. endocannabinoid system. This useful site has all the information about this internal architecture that our bodies are made up of, which ensures everything is working together hand in hand, the way it should.
The information to keep in mind is that because our systems work much in the same way. Other compounds such as CBD (cannabidiol) have also been added to the helpful ingredients in our pet products because positive results have been seen here too.
Let’s look at what these studies have revealed its professionals about THC then.

Results of THC Studies
By now you may have seen this topic been passed around frequently via online resources or cloakroom chatter. Many have been wondering whether they should use this substance based on all the information that is out there, let alone introduce it to their animals.
The simple answer to this is – if it has been tested and positive results have been seen, then yes, go ahead. Below are some of these trials that have been completed or are still in progress within the research and development sectors of major pharmaceutical and medicinal sectors.
CBD and THC have many similar medicinal benefits. In 2018, the FDA approved its first CBD medication (Epidiolex) that is being used to treat rare and severe forms of problematic to treat issues such as epilepsy
When THC is delivered into the body, it attaches to and stimulates cannabinoid receptors in the brain. The stimulus of which affects the body in ways that only research has seen. However, among these things that have been seen are a reduction in pain and an increase in appetite. Other benefits it has been seen to emulate are:
- Anxiety
- Pain
- Nausea
- Glaucoma
- Insomnia
- Low Appetite
- Muscle Spasms
However, the important thing to note is that if you had to choose between giving your canine CBD or THC, the first and milder option should be CBD. THC should be a last resort.
Although THC is the component known to cause the ‘high’ that people get when smoke Marijuana. A very small amount is completely harmless. This is why it has been seen to be good for animals such as dogs. So, if you’re asking yourself – Is THC bad for dogs? As a stand-alone, it has several useful benefits but as soon as it is combined with CBD it is not recommended because not only does the one counter-act the other but it may be too much for your pooch, who has a sensitive stomach. In small doses, it is completely fine for them.
Popular ways to introduce it is adding a few drops into their food, or in their mouth and consuming foods that are made with it inside. Overexposure will hinder any of the above benefits so it is of vital importance to stick to the correct manufacturer’s dosage instructions or those of the vet. From time to time it is recommended for your dog, but the advice is to keep it as a last resort.